Thursday, March 10, 2011

1st Draft

This is the first draft in my final series where I continued on working with marco-mode images. I strived to focus the camera on a particular object, but blur the edges and the background. I developed all my images through picnik in order to provide the image with more contrast and exposure. In my next draft I want to focus more on the idea of having different backgrounds that I can blur. 


  1. I like how in each picture there is a very soft texture

  2. the headphone image has the most sucessful background so far because it is minimal, divided into two balanced senctions, and it doesn't distract from the subject. the coffee cup background almost achieves this, but is sligthtly more dynamic and distracting. continue to look for deeper backgrounds to blur, but keep these elements in mind when you compose and approach your shots.

  3. I like the usage of color and that really is one of your greatest quality as a photography. Overall all your pieces really work well together.

  4. I think that the edited contrast and exposure work well in the pictures. The tilted angles are nice. Maybe have backgrounds with more depth in it. Good job!

  5. These are strong images. I really liked your picture with the expo marker.

  6. Your images are really cool and I see you chose many different colors as well, which adds another layer of intensity to your photos. I think that maybe the blur effect is done too much on the last image, because it blurs out the subject of the photo, the coffee cup, instead of just the background. Overall, good job!

  7. I really like how you created the shadows in these pictures. I think that having an empty background and focusing on one single object makes your images really strong.

  8. I really like the different shadows and the softness of the images. I also really like the different colors. I think that you should change up the backgrounds a little bit though.
