Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Negative Space Series

In my Negative Space Series, I primarily strived to capture the relationship between nature and architecture conveying a more simple and calm mood in a city. All my images are set in black and white allowing the viewer to focus more on shapes and patterns rather than the direct detail of every subject. This was an interesting assignment that allowed me to further explore my interest in capturing street treasures, but at the same time challenge myself to incorporate negative space. Although the last image in this series does not directly correlate with the rest of this cohesive set, I though it would be interesting to add a different style of negative space photography.


  1. great picture!i especially like the picture of the tree with only one leaf on it.

  2. I think you did a great job at keeping a consistent tone, and using negative space to enhance the contrast between nature and architecture.

  3. Great series. I especially liked your second and third from the bottom. i liked how in the one of the leaf hanging you made sure that there was only one leaf in the picture which gave it a more dramatic effect.

  4. i really like the editing for all of these photos. negative space is often strongest in black and white and while you did that, it looks even better with the browned/off black color filter. you picked good subject matter for this assignment and because if it there clearly negative space in all of your images.

  5. The second photo from the top is a very creative way to interpret this assignment. It's interesting that you surrounded the negative space so as to accentuate it as the subject of the photo, rather than simply a background.
