Monday, March 11, 2013

Negative Space Series Draft #3

In my third negative space series draft, I focused more on black and white portrait photography working with specific angles to capture the bright lighting and shadows. My previous post explored the relationship between human qualities and art, and in this series I decided to carry this concept into creating full portraits of models focusing on their art. I think this is my strongest draft because it clearly demonstrates negative space, but I am also able to incorporate elements of portrait photography.


  1. Nice series Vlad. I especially like the candid photos in this series. I really appreciate the strong sense of emotion and character you've captured. I also think that you did a great job with the lighting. I especially like the contrasting colors of dark and light that are expressed in this series. I think it ties in very well with the character and mood you've captured from your models.

  2. this is awesome. I see a clear improvement from last week just from the contrast of emotions and actions of your subjects. I like the one of Garrett the best, because of the negative space of the shadow, and his sexy beard.

  3. Really like the combination of negative space and portrait photography. One of the strengths of these is that nothing is posed, everything seems genuine. The last shot of Emma is really great.

  4. I like how you combine face and hands in these photographs. You really bring out the shadows but hold onto the emotions of each person. These are simple but there is a lot going on at the same time.

  5. i really like your first two pictures and the one of me. your use of shadows and light work perfectly with contrast of dark and light with the negative space. like savita said, these pictures are simple yet complex

  6. Nice draft Vlad. I like the contrast in your pictures. It helps to create the negative space.

  7. The negative space seems to work the best in your last photo of emma. I think it is most successful when it is pronounced, not subtle.
